Women's Mission Union (WMU)
God commanded all believers to go forth and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.
At First Baptist Church Woodville we take that command seriously. The Women on Missions' ministry reaches out to not only the Woodville Community, but also provides support beyond this community. Anyone 18 years of age and over is welcome to join the group.
sponsors several major outreach projects throughout the year. Some of the
projects includes:
Red Cross Comfort Kits - These
kits come with basic hygiene items. When someone is required to evacuate their
home during an emergency sometimes they leave with only the clothes on their
back. A shower and a way to brush their teeth may be just the thing to start
the path back to feeling normal again. That need is filled through this
outreach. These kits are provided to the Red Cross so their workers have them
available following a disaster. Information on our Church and its programs is
included in each bag.
School Supplies Give Away - Just
before the children return to school, donations are collected for school
supplies. WMU uses the donations to purchase basic school supplies. The school
supplies are then distributed after the morning worship service (date various
each year). Children and their parents also come from our church and community
are welcome come to get supplies.
Women's Mission Union (WMU) meets on the 3rd Sunday of
every other month at 5:oo pm, before the evening worship hour, in the Lydia
Sunday School classroom. Ladies from 18 years old and up are invited to attend.